
Nikkan Dracula

① 日ごとでは、新訳が書簡の日付毎に111セクションにまとめられており、「リアル日付」で作品を楽しめます(2023年5月〜11月に配信していました)。
② 章ごとでは、『ドラキュラ』を章ごとに読むことができます。
Here, you can enjoy Bram Stoker's Dracula in two ways. In the Day-by-day category, the Japanese translation is divided into 111 sections, each matching the date of the letters. This lets you experience Dracula in real-time, following the releases from May to November 2023. Alternatively, you can read Dracula one chapter at a time in the Chapter-by-chapter category. If you want the full experience, you can also buy the translated text on Kindle.
本企画の影響元である、『Dracula Feed』のWhitney Sorrow氏、及び『Dracula Daily』のMatt Kirkland氏にお礼申し上げます。また、訳文の確認に協力いただいた方々にも深く感謝いたします。
I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Whitney Sorrow of Dracula Feed and Mr. Matt Kirkland of Dracula Daily, whose works served as inspiration for this project. I am also deeply grateful to those who helped proofread the translation.
The translated content displayed on this website is exclusively the product of the translator working on this project. Any mistakes, including mistranslations or typos, are the translator's responsibility. Any modifications made to the translation will be documented in the revision history.